Sgt. Elizabeth Bernard of St. Landry Crime Stoppers needs your help in apprehending four wanted fugitives.
Landon Dwayne Jimmerson is a 44 year old black male with a last known address of 162 Nicole Lane in Opelousas. Jimmerson is 5'-09" and weighs approx 150 lbs and is wanted for the armed robbery of Lucky's Casino.

Oscar Peter Leblanc, III is a 27 year old white male and his last known address is 230 Fuselier Street in Eunice. Leblanc purchased a motorcycle for $3,000 using 30 counterfeit $100 bills. He has a warrant for counterfeit and theft of goods over $1,500.

Lee Andrew Covington, IV is a 41 year old W/M who is 6'-01" and 185 lbs. He has a warrant for monetary instrument abuse and 3 counts of theft of mail. His last known address is 824 Highway 741 in Arnaudville.

Anthony McCoy is a 19 year old black male with a last known address at 506 Fontenot Road in Opelousas. He has 11 felony warrants ranging from contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, burglary, to the theft of and illegal use body armor.

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